Cement Works
A special edition of Community Matters, which provides a brief update during the Covid-19 health emergency
The past few weeks have seen life change for everyone out of all recognition. Less than a month ago we were looking forward to supplying cement for the exciting range of projects being announced in the North of England. Now our overriding concern is ensuring the health and wellbeing of our staff, and all stakeholders that engage with us here in South Ferriby. I am writing this update so that you can keep in touch with what we are doing at the plant, and I intend that we remain your ‘good neighbour up the road’. I am reminded by my colleague, Philip Baynes-Clarke, who was Plant Director during the 2013 floods, how closely CEMEX in South Ferriby kept in touch with the local community, and we shall endeavour to do the same this time.
Over the last month we introduced a whole range of social distancing measures so that we could continue producing cement without putting anyone’s heath at risk. However, as construction sites have shut down in the UK the demand for cement has declined. CEMEX UK has decided for the next few weeks to supply the whole country from our operations in Rugby. This means that South Ferriby plant will cease producing clinker and cement in the next few days (the kiln cannot be stopped suddenly without undue damage). Many of the staff at South Ferriby will be furloughed from 14th April. We cannot be certain how long this will last as the length of the pandemic in UK is uncertain, and Government actions over the coming weeks will determine when the construction industry is up and running again.
There will be a small team at the plant at all times to ensure that safety and security can be maintained. This will also mean that the plant can be up and running again quickly when required. I will be working throughout the furloughed period and if you wish to contact me please do so.
At this time CEMEX is adding its backing to the national effort to support key workers in the NHS and elsewhere. Overleaf you will see what we are doing at Rugby and I hope to have a banner on the South Ferriby plant soon to add to this. We are also looking at relevant supplies we may be able to offer in the local area.
You will probably know that we are providing clay for the South Ferriby and Winteringham Ings flood defences. We are on track with this, and the shutdown of the plant will not affect our ability to supply clay for this project.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you, and all your family well in the coming weeks – take care to keep safe and stay healthy.
Any updates to this Special Edition of Community Matters will appear on social media and Parish Council websites.
Piotr Klepak, Plant Director

CEMEX top level commitment
Our CEO, Fernando Gonzalez has issued a statement of support to all CEMEX stakeholders. He recognises how vulnerable some communities are at this time. You can read his entire statement on our website www.cemex.co.uk.
In the UK CEMEX has been providing vital materials to keep essential UK services operational during the pandemic for example:
- Materials for the new Nightingale Hospitals
- Building car parks and stands for oxygen tanks
- Repair of railway tracks and essential access roads
Supporting our NHS
and key workers
Our cement plant in Rugby has a 100m high preheater tower which can be seen for miles around. On Thursday (9th April) it will be lit up with projections to thank the NHS and key workers for their amazing work during these unprecedented times.
We have also secured 50 face visors which we are donating to local front-line staff here in the North Lincolnshire area and we hope to extend this support going forward, as supplies allow.
Flood Defences
CEMEX in South Ferriby has been providing clay for the building of the new flood defences in South Ferriby and Winteringham Ings. The clay for the east bank has been laid down, and work is starting in the next few days on the west bank in front of our plant. Clay for this is already available.
We will continue to supply clay for the rest of the works during the period of the temporary kiln shutdown.
Contact Me
You can contact me by email:
piotr.klepak@cemex.com May open an email client if one is installed
Or by post:
Piotr Klepak, CEMEX UK, South Ferriby Cement Plant, Barton-upon-Humber, North Lincs. DN18 6JL
Holly Hanson
Appledore, 26 Main Street, Horkstow
Barton-upon-Humber DN18 6BG
07393 21 30 30