Get In Touch

Contact Details

Ann Boulton

21 Hallam Close


North Linconshire

DN19 7FD

07592 666 058 May open an email client if one is installed

Cllr. Cathy Logan


Cllr. Dewi Bennett

Vice Chair & Personnel Committee Member

Cllr. Noreen Cecil-Purvis

Chair Personnel Committee

Cllr Vicky Wells

Personnel Committee Member

Cllr. Roy Holloway

Flowerbed Working Group Representative

Cllr. Dave Mouncey

Flowerbed Working Group Representative

Cllr David Grace

Cllr Nigel Ward

Cllr Jill Goff


We are very grateful to all those who contributed photographs for the site and would particularly like to acknowledge:

Pauline Heathershaw, Captain Michael Hogan, Nick Grounds, Humber Keel & Sloop Preservation Society


Ann Boulton
21 Hallam Close
Barrow upon Humber
DN19 7FD


07592 66 60 58